What your cat is really thinking.
Concept for a humor book about cats and their owners.
Also a single panel series for newspapers and magazines.
The psychology of cats has mystified their owners for thousands of years. What are our feline friends thinking
when they stare indolently at us from their favourite couch
or armchair? The realists among us suspect that it’s neither kind nor flattering. But no one really had a clue - until now.
This insightful and funny book will give cat owners a fairly good idea of the kinds of things their much loved moggy would say to them if it could.

I will provide original cartoon characters and cartoon series concepts for cartoonists to take on as their own.
As a writer I will also work in collaboration with cartoonists on series concepts I have created for them.
As an example, CATS ON THE COUCH is a collaboration between writer and cartoonist Roger McAuliffe and painter and illustrator Phil Evans. Roger created the overall concept then provided captions and concept sketches to Phil to develop to final illustration stage. First, Phil draws a pencil interpretation of Roger's rough concept sketch. Then, after joint discussion and agreement, Phil renders his final full colour illustration in pen and coloured inks. A monotone version is also produced.

Roger's concept sketch
Phil's pencil rough

Phil's colour final